one day dapat sms dari Jack Shephard (Australia), yang kebingungan mencari pastry shop yang bisa shooping online, akhirnya blio menemukanlah blogku, dan mulai berkomunikasi untuk memesan cake yang diinginkan. cakenya dipesan untuk his girl friend yang tinggal di Bandung dan cake yang diorder adalah tiramisu (since his girl friend is crazy about tiramisu).
dari seluruh sms yang diterima : sms subuh, sms pagi, sms siang dan sms malam ;-), tersirat sekali kalau sang pemesan ingin memberikan sesuatu yang special dan big surprise untuk his beloved girlfriend.............
kayaknya sense of romantic'ku sedikit tergelitik untuk memberikan suprise tambahan untuk Jack juga dan girlfriendnya........
without asking Jack permission, diriku tambahkan satu buah hand Bouquet berisi pink roses yang diorder dari the best florist di Bandung, florist yang biasa dipakai oleh hotel2 berbintang di Bandung dan Jakarta...dan ditambahkan pula satu box praline dengan berbagai macam filing......Hhmmmm..........
Semoga ide mendadak'ku tersebut bisa melengkapi keinginan Jack untuk membuat surprise yang tak terlupakan oleh his girl friend........
Jack, Thanks alot, I think Im the one who supposed to say thank you, since you remind me my love story when I was in your age.......;-D
good luck for both of you, it was a plesure to know you.........cheers...
Jack comment :........
hahahaha,........ sorry for the midnight and the early morning sms.. i've never meant to bother u with all my pathetic sms ;p
anyway, the suprise cake goes great!! though she knew that i was going to send her a cake, last night she cant stop smiling n giggling all the time. ketawa and senyum2 terus d tlp;)
she said she loves the roses :) dia blg tema suprisenya angka 7. hahaha. rosesnya 7, pralinenya 16 (1+6 = 7), and di cakenya ga tau dia hitungin something yang jumlahnya 34 (3+4 = 7). hahahaha such a weird girl, dont u think ;p
LAST NIGHT WAS GREAT! ITS ALL THANKS TO U MA'AM! u've made her birthday special. THANKS ALOT! cheers! ;)
NOTE: any pics of the cake? or the roses? or the praline? if u do have it, please post it. i'll be waiting for the pic patiently :)
hahahaha, sorry for the midnight and the early morning sms.. i've never meant to bother u with all my pathetic sms ;p
ReplyDeleteanyway, the suprise cake goes great!! though she knew that i was going to send her a cake, last night she cant stop smiling n giggling all the time. ketawa and senyum2 terus d tlp ;)
she said she loves the roses :) dia blg tema suprisenya angka 7. hahaha. rosesnya 7, pralinenya 16 (1+6 = 7), and di cakenya ga tau dia hitungin something yang jumlahnya 34 (3+4 = 7). hahahaha such a weird girl, dont u think ;p
LAST NIGHT WAS GREAT! ITS ALL THANKS TO U MA'AM! u've made her birthday special. THANKS ALOT! cheers! ;)
NOTE: any pics of the cake? or the roses? or the praline? if u do have it, please post it. i'll be waiting for the pic patiently :)
ihhh so sweeet, manis bangeeeed...